"Air Combat"

Only a few seconds left until the meeting. The frontal approach speed is almost 2,000 km/h, leaving no room for error. Throw out decoys, control your speed and don't lose sight of your opponent. "Merged, ID hostile!" I shout over the radio just before we pass each other, then I push the thrust levers into full afterburner range and yank on the stick. Within half a second the weight of my body increases ninefold. The FCAGT (Full Coverage Anti G Trouser) presses my legs together and counteracts the sagging of the blood, the ventilation pressure noticeably increases to increase the lung volume. Even my vest and helmet have air chambers to help me fight the G-forces. The equipment is highly effective, but it cannot do magic. My bones hurt, the capillaries in my forearms burst due to the strain and my field of vision narrows significantly. My opponent is also struggling with the same problems, it's a duel of equals. We roll and curve through the deep blue of the sky, flipping over and making merciless use of the vertical. Anyone who loses sight of their opponent or even loses their orientation is doomed. I feel the sweat in my eyes, the pain in my neck muscles, then I hear the detection tone of my IRIS-T short-range guided missile. "Fox2!" I release my finger from the trigger, this fight is over.
"MSTANG terminate!" It's a simple training flight, my wingman and I practice air combat at short distances - the basics. I take a quick breath and wipe the sweat from my face. So let's go for a new one!
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