
The most common task of the alert group (QRA (I) - Quick Reaction Alert (Interceptor)) is the visual identification of a flight target. However, the “Kodak” task is sometimes not as easy to carry out as it might initially seem. Sure, theoretically you could use any digital camera or even a cell phone, but how should I operate the camera and the aircraft at the same time? Flying low? A few meters from a slow target?
The alarm squad must be able to reliably fulfill its mission even under difficult conditions. For this purpose, a wide variety of cameras can be permanently installed in the cockpit, depending on the situation. From action cameras to zoom-capable devices, many options are conceivable. Although this solution makes it possible to create high-quality photos, it also creates another challenge: If the camera is permanently installed, it must be aligned with the entire aircraft. This also applies to very slow targets that can only be photographed as they fly past. Heaven has its own laws, and even a seemingly banal thing like a photo can quickly become a challenge.
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